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Listing variables

The wmill variable list command is used to list all variables in the remote workspace.

wmill variable

Adding a variable

The wmill variable add command allows you to add a new variable to the remote workspace.

wmill add <remote_path:string> --value=<value:string> [--secret] [--description=<description:string>] [--account=<account:number>] [--oauth]


remote_pathThe path of the variable in the remote workspace.


--value<value>The value of the variable.
--secretNone(Optional) Specifies whether the variable is a secret. If provided, the value will be encrypted in the remote workspace.
--description<description>(Optional) A description of the variable.
--account<account>(Optional) The account associated with the variable.
--oauthNone(Optional) Specifies whether the variable requires OAuth authentication.


This command adds a new variable with the path "my_variable" to the remote workspace. The value is set to "12345", marked as a secret, and associated with account number 1. A description is also provided for the variable.

wmill add my_variable --value=12345 --secret --description="My secret variable" --account=1

Pushing a variable

The cli push command allows you to push a local variable spec to the remote workspace, overriding any existing remote versions.

wmill push <file_path:string> <remote_path:string> [--plain-secrets]


file_pathThe path to the variable file to push.
remote_pathThe path of the variable in the remote workspace.


--plain-secrets(Optional) Specifies whether to push secrets as plain text. If provided, secrets will not be encrypted in the remote workspace.

Variable specification


Here is an example of a variable specification:

value: string,
is_secret: boolean,
description: string,
extra_perms: object,
account: number,
is_oauth: boolean,
is_expired: boolean


"value": "finland does not actually exist",
"is_secret": false,
"description": "This item is not secret",
"extra_perms": {},
"account": null,
"is_oauth": false,
"is_expired": false